Category: New features

  • Transfer for free to

    Transfer for free to

      Transfer for free from your current cable ISP!   Did you know that you can now transfer for free away from your current cable Internet service provider to HeroNet for free? HeroNet has been saving the day for subscribers in Ontario and Quebec for many years. Today, we add another great reason to leave your…

  • Local calling zones

    Local calling zones across the world has arrived!   That time of the year is back and the cold weather is on our doorsteps. What better way to pass the time by connecting with family and friends abroad and take advantage of our new local calling areas around the world? While traditional phone companies still…

  • Internet outage map

    Internet outage? An Internet outage is when the Internet stops working in your home. The issue is normally linked to external sources unrelated to your internal setup. The Internet is a constantly evolving creature, often times outages can be linked to upgrades, or hardware malfunctions.  Another common issues related to Internet outage is Hackers attacking servers…

  • Refer a friend.. Get paid!

    Tell your friend about HeroNet’s unlimited Internet plans and if they choose to sign up with us, you both get rewarded! Until now we see that without focusing on traditional marketing to promote our unlimited Internet services, the word of mouth from our subscribers is the most relevant voice of our brand. So we wanted…

  • CRTC Survey

    The CRTC survey: To better serve Canadians in need of better Internet in Canada. Keeping in mind that Canadian’s got the CRTC to break up the monopolies and allow for competition. The CRTC is currently gathering information for an open discussion on the Internet in April 2016. While we feel that urban areas seem to offer…

  • New Chat | Ticket system

    We have been searching high and low to find the best chat and ticket system the market had to offer to better serve and keep track of you. Over the past months, we have been beta testing some new apps, and have decided to move forward with the “LiveChat” platform. LiveChat became our top choice…

  • Citizens Sponsor

    Citizens Sponsor

    Openmedia and HeroNet Longtime advocators of your rights as a Canadian. Better Internet for Canadians As part of our commitment to striving for better Internet for Canadians. Each subscriber at HeroNet is a direct contributor to Openmedia. Together we are here to help this “not for profit” defend your rights as a Canadian. Accountability for Internet, Telephone and Television…