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Internet outage map
Internet outage?
An Internet outage is when the Internet stops working in your home. The issue is normally linked to external sources unrelated to your internal setup. The Internet is a constantly evolving creature, often times outages can be linked to upgrades, or hardware malfunctions. Another common issues related to Internet outage is Hackers attacking servers that carry the Internet. Recently in October of 2016 servers were attacked that took down major websites such as Facebook, AirBnb and Gmail and in general pocket outages that affect small neighbourhoods related to upgrades are done at times of the day that the least amount of people require the Internet.
Though there are many causes to an Internet outage, 99.9% of ISP’s in Canada use the same backbone to to deliver Internet to our subscribers. This means that when one is affected, most often the others as well. Depending on your backbone or level of service, this can mean that Rogers, Bell, Cogeco or Videotron can and will affect all independent Internet service providers level of service. The good news is that all Internet providers can also boast the same level of up time!
To help you identify if you are in an outage at the moment, or if the problem is only related to you, we have discovered a great website that will help you see outages in your area or around the world via This tool is not only good for Internet service providers, but it also works well for your cell phone provider as well.
Contact us!
We do however encourage you to inform us of an outage in your home by either calling or sending in a email to In the event that your issues is not related to an Internet outage, we must inform the main ISP of potential network issues in or around your home.