Citizens Sponsor

Openmedia and HeroNet

Longtime advocators of your rights as a Canadian.

Better Internet for Canadians

As part of our commitment to striving for better Internet for Canadians. Each subscriber at HeroNet is a direct contributor to Openmedia. Together we are here to help this “not for profit” defend your rights as a Canadian.

Accountability for Internet, Telephone and Television

The team at are no rookies when it comes to lobbying our government for more accountability from the big guys. Also, Bell, Rogers, Cogeco, Videotron and Shaw have all had their dreams stomped on due to the team at Openmedia and their support. All in the name of your rights as a consumer. Furthermore, little by little we break down the walls that allow monopolies to rule.. Join us!

If you should wish to know more about and how to access better Internet for Canadians. Check out our dedicated page or click on the links below. If you are already aware of the good work they do, be sure to endorse them by “liking” their Facebook or following their Twitter and Google account. Their Youtube page is also filled with past deliberations and news to better keep you informed of the changes going on in the industry.

Most of all, join HeroNet today and become part of the greater cause. As a result you will help future generations by taking the right step forward today.

Facebook : Twitter : Google+ : Youtube

Visit “make the switch” page on to see our partnered ISP’s. While we wish we could take all the credit, we are very happy to see these independent Internet providers fighting our common cause.