Your friendly neighbourhood news portal.

Within this section we will add all links to our articles and posts. This page will serve as a centralized portal to showcase all that is us. Most noteworthy, is what makes us Heroic!

As a result, This Information will include the following:
  • Any changes to our unlimited Internet service
  • New features to our VoIP service
  • Discovery of new tools, tips and tricks to cut the cable
  • Incentives and promotions

Furthermore, we hope that this information about our unlimited Internet service, VoIP and Televisions solutions will lead to saving your day!

This list is in reverse chronological order

Gatineau unlimited Internet Service


This new page added to our site showcases our unlimited Internet service in the Gatineau area. We also use the opportunity to showcase our VoIP services as well as some local heroes who run businesses in the area. This is in case you are probably looking for a referral for hands on computer assistance.  Here is the link.

Montreal Unlimited Internet service plans


Montreal has always been good to our Heroes. This why our Heroes thrive on being good to Montrealers in need of unlimited high speed DSL or Cable Internet service.  Follow this link to visit our new page dedicated to this subject.

Quebec Internet service providers


The first in many new pages to come offering information about our unlimited Internet service. This section will break down the province wide options into a smaller list of cities and municipalities that we service. In order to access the Quebec Internet plans page, please follow this link.

Internet service; Need to know for new home buyers


A great article written by our head superhero addressing a sizable issue we face on a daily basis. Nothing can be worse than moving into your new home and finding out that you have limited Internet options. Read this article to know what to do before you buy!

Oshawa Internet provider


With recent interest in the city of Oshawa and linking up with a new partner in the city, we created an informative page to better outline out unlimited Internet, VoIP as well as our relationship with AML computers. More information located here!


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